🌐 www.uklee.pe.kr (Google)
HTTPS: Webpage (Only for this page)
⚙️ lab.uklee.pe.kr
All connections and transfers are logged, and can be used for academic purpose. If you disagree with this, do not use this service.
!! The Server is currently experiencing serious HW problems. There is no specific recovery plan. Please use alternative services.
2 Servers are in load-balancing
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Intel x86_64
Maintenance: 6AM, Everyday
HTTP(s): Webpage (Massive)
Ubuntu CD image Mirror: https://lab.uklee.pe.kr/ubuntu-releases/
Its status is monitored by: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/lab.uklee.pe.kr-release
OFFICIAL teX Archive (CTAN) Mirror: https://lab.uklee.pe.kr/tex-archive/
component of CTAN Mirror Multiplexer Service
its status is monitored by: https://www.ctan.org/mirrors/mirmon#kr
and other various non-public services
⚙️ kaist.uklee.pe.kr
Currently unavailable publicly due to the campus firewall policy
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Intel x86_64
HTTP: Webpage (for Beta Testing)