Student Activity
Member of the Bureau of Information Technology, KAIST UA <ON> (2021.03.31 ~ 2021.12.30)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <ON> 정보국원Secretary of Information Technology, KAIST UA <One Mind> (2021.12.30 ~ 2022.03.25)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <한마음> 정보국장Member of the Special Committee for the Revision of Student Law and Bylaws, Central Operative Committee of KAIST UA (2022.01.26 ~ 2022.04.27)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 중앙운영위원회 산하 학생회칙및세칙개정특임위원회 위원Member of the COVID-19 Response Subcommittee, KAIST UA <One Mind> (2022.02.28 ~ 2022.03.25)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <한마음> 학내코로나19대응TF 팀원Secretary of Information Technology, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.03.25 ~ 2022.09.13)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> 정보국장Director of the Personal Information Section of the Innovation and Archive TF Team, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.05.01 ~ 2022.07.17)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> 총학생회내부혁신및기록물관리TF 개인정보분과장Director of the Personal Information Section of the Self-Regulation Rule TF Team, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.05.20 ~ 2022.06.04)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> 내부자치규칙TF 개인정보분과장Head of the Innovation and Archive TF Team, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.07.17 ~ 2022.10.05)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> 총학생회내부혁신및기록물관리TF장Member of the KAIST Art & Music Festival Booth TF Team, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.08.11 ~ 2022.09.17)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> KAMF부스TF 팀원Executive Secretary, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.09.13 ~ 2022.12.03)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> 서기실장Member of the Bureau of Information Technology, KAIST UA <Jump> (2022.09.13 ~ 2022.12.03)
KAIST 학부 총학생회 비상대책위원회 <도약> 정보국원